Download Abstract PPT

Guidelines for Oral & E- Poster Presentation

Important Deadlines:

  • The submission deadline for E-Poster Presentations is August 31, 2024.
  • The final PPT submission date is September 7, 2024.
  • Registration Deadline: 31 August 2024 (It is mandatory for Presenting Author to register for Conference. Failure to register by 31 August will result in rejection)
  • Email ID for EPOSTER PPT submission:
  • Email ID for Oral Poster  PPT submission:

      Poster Submission Guidelines:

  1. Format:
    • All posters must be in electronic format as PPT or PPTX (not PDF), using the template provided on the website or in the abstract acceptance email.
    • Monitors will be arranged for display during the presentation.
    • The file containing the poster should be named as ‘# Abstract number – candidate name’. The first slide must also include the abstract number.
  1. Overall Composition:
    • Your electronic presentation should be logical, well-organized, self-explanatory, and concise.
    • Structure the text using bullet points and present only enough data/information to support the conclusions.
  1. Text and Word Limit:
    • Each PPT template is designed with a specific number of slides. Do not add/increase the number of slides.
    • Follow the indicative length of sections such as Background, Methods & Materials, Results, and References as per the template.
    • You may delete any unused slides.
    • Recommended fonts are Times New Roman or Arial with a minimum size of 32 points for headings and 24 points for body text.
    • Ensure the information presented is up-to-date.
  1. Tables and Images:
    • Complicated tables and spreadsheets should be uploaded as image files.
    • Posters should not consist solely of text. Images should have a resolution of at least 300 DPI.
    • Videos should be in MP4 format with a resolution of 1920×1080 or higher.
    • The origin and property of each image must be clearly stated in the references.
    • For images already published, provide the full journal citation.
    • Any unreferenced image will be assumed to be the property of the submitters.
    • Embed videos in the PPT.
  1. Permissions:
    • Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) and provide evidence of permission upon request.
  1. References:
    • The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors.
    • Citations in the text should be in Arabic numerals in square brackets, e.g., [2-5, 12].
    • The reference list should include only works cited in the text and published, with no more than 20 references recommended.
  1. Abbreviations and Acronyms:
    • Define non-commonly used abbreviations and acronyms at first mention in the text.
    • Use the International System of Units (SI) for radiation and laboratory measurements.
  2. Product and Company Names:
    • Your presentation must be non-promotional and non-commercial. Mention specific agents and manufacturers only if they play a central role in your research question or educational message.
  1. Off-Label Use:
    • Clearly state if the data presented is “off-label,” referring to an indication not covered by licensing authorities.
  1. Ethical Standards:
    • For biomedical research on animals, adhere to the guidelines outlined by the Institutional Ethics Committee and acknowledge compliance in your manuscript.
    • Posters reporting experimental studies on human subjects must include a statement confirming that informed consent was obtained after fully explaining the procedures.
  1. Patient Confidentiality:
    • Protect patient confidentiality. Do not include names, hospital ID numbers, or any other information that could identify patients in illustrations, images, or texts.
  1. Material Used in Your Poster:
    • Previously published material (or under consideration elsewhere) can be used if all respective licenses and rights have been received by the copyright holder. Provide full references or notes for such material in your poster.
    • The accuracy and completeness of references are the authors’ responsibility. Neither the publisher nor the ESR will be legally responsible for any compensation claims.

Contact: For any technical queries, email with your abstract number.

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The Annual National Conference will provide platform for 30 Paper presentations by PG Residents on Podium to fulfill the requirements for NMC PG Broad Specialty.

So Hurry & avail the early registration opportunity at very low registration fees.

There will also be opportunities for poster presentations.